Resident Evil 4

College Football 25

Counter Strike 2
I specialize in full stack development with web and mobile applications.
Hello! My name is Ethan Wells and I am a software engineer. I have experience with a variety of languages and frameworks, and fullstack development. Working on the forefront of technology is something I am passionate about. I am always looking for new ways to innovate and improve my skills.
I graduated from Wichita State University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Currently, I am working as a software engineer with Invista, where I am helping to drive innovation within their operations.
During my spare moments I have been devoting my time to working with Go and Swift. Outside of programming I enjoy photography, anime, and games.
Resident Evil 4
College Football 25
Counter Strike 2
- Leading development on a digital twin service for Invista manufacturing plants
- Collaborated with operators to design a responsive and interactive digital twin in Next.js
- Implemented RBAC to ensure security of Invista's intellectual property
- Interfaced with webhooks to keep our graph database and digital twin consistent across data manipulations
- Designing and implementing a REST API in Node.js using TypeScript
- Implementing UI designs using React and its ecosystem
- Constructing and executing state-based database development in SQL Server
- Improving coverage on their microservice by more than 30%
- Following DDD principles to improve the quality of the codebase
- Transitioning legacy code from JQuery to React
- Implemented UI using Vue to provide a better user experience for the users.
- Made use of event-driven architecture using RabbitMQ and Celery to produce and consume data.
Designed and implemented 3D point cloud viewerRetrieved and served 3D point cloud models and audio files from S3Collaborated with a team on a strict deadline to produce a project that won 1st place in the NASA Space Apps Challenge
A cross-platform workout tracking app that is designed to provide a better user experience for gym-goers. It allows users to track their progress and share their workouts with others.
A medical passport mobile application that provides users a convenient way to store their medical information. It allows users to also track their prescriptions and medical appointments.
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please feel free to contact me using any of these links and connect with me.